Archive for June, 2009

from anakin to darth

there’s a poster on a wall in my room that reminds regularly why it’s really important that we do what we need to do well.


when i first saw this poster, i looked at it for a while, and i realised this: every darth vader once was a good anakin.

so what we do in influencing the next generation matters.


it’s 3:44 am and i’ve just gotten home. the water heater’s turned on, and i can’t wait to head in to take a bathe. it’s been a long day, but the re:surge devotionals are done. it was great to have had tiffany help with a section and with the proof reading. and to discover she and nic have a penchant for being picky and anal (in a very good way!). they really have helped to make sure that the devotionals are of a much better quality, had they not do anything.

i am wondering how much all this effort will pay off. will they even turn up? will they even bother with trying to work this through? have we failed them so much, that they won’t care about this?

but having said that, i am looking forward to the finished product, and to the time we share tomorrow.

one day more!

Leadership Lesson – a simple, clear plan

today i saw the effects of something i’ve learnt over the years –  a simple, clear plan. vision is one thing, strategy to achieve vision is totally another. for some people vision comes easy, for others vision is harder. for some, strategy is easy, others it’s not.

both are vital – a clear and compelling vision and a plan on how to achieve the vision.

it’s taken me about 12 years now to be able to articulate with some confidence a plan or strategy for what we are needing to do.

strategy shouldn’t be overly complex. people cannot remember it.

strategy needs to be simple.

wording is important.

the presentation of that plan is important. and it needs to be said over and over again. (“vision leaks” – as Bill Hybels would say)

Vision is “what i see”

Strategy is “how do we get there”

but at the end of the day, by-in and personal ownership of the vision and strategy is vital – otherwise it’s just more writing on a notebook or words on a wall only.

LifeGroup leaders Meeting tonight

it was great to meet our youth leaders tonight. it started with a simple update on each other. from ber’s confrontation, to God’s favour over sam, to dawn being excited that edward’s coming back soon, to tiffany’s journey to mervin’s ‘wah, got so much work’ – it was great to hear where we each were at.

tonight i shared with the team  the vision, and plan for our youth ministry. there’s a lot to do. and i think the leaders recognise that God’s in it. so now it’s really up to us to get behind the vision and to move it forward.

honestly i have my fears too – if this plan will work. but i cannot sit around and do nothing. and it’s great to know that these leaders are willing to get behind this vision.

they have been so awesome – serving this generation faithfully.

may we build fruit that last!

the notebooks are at the printers

well the notebooks have been sent to the printers. i just hope that it won’t cost that much! (we have no budget!! haha) and i hope that our youth will like it and, use it. but ultimately that it will become a tool for growth and change in their lives.

mervin will get a sample tomorrow and then if the price is right then we’ll print the required copies! 😀

not just need to finish the devotions! oh boy!

designing the notebook

after hours and hours and hours (over a few days), the designing of the Surge Notebook is done! and i’m kinda happy with it. i think it looks cool. i just hope our youth will use it! it’s more than 180 pages! and it’s got a calendar and almost every page is different! it’s got weird random things, scripture, and things pertaining to Surge (out youth ministry)! 

mervin helped heaps by getting base pictures and quirky facts, and information that we could use. and now it’s up to him to get it ready by next friday – to send it to the printers etc 

in the meantime, i’ve got to finish writing the devotional (“re:surge”). i kinda think i know what i want with the design feel tho. the design’s been inspired by the opening sequence from Terminator Salvation! haha! much to do to get ready for Friday’s first SurgeCentral!

starting a movement

found this on ragamuffin soul

1. One man can start a movement.
2. A movement need not be started by the most skilled member of the movement.
3. When beginning your movement and you look around and no one else is joining the dance, just keep dancing.
4. When the one guy who joins your movement slowly fades away, keep going.
5. Before you know it, the people joining your movement won’t even know you started it.
6. When your movement takes a life of it’s own, just let go. There will be no stopping it.
7. The very people who are staring at you like your nuts as you movement alone, will be the very same people dancing the hardest in the end


i’m believing that somehow my little crazy dance to see this generation know God and do greatly for Him might just start a movement in our church! 

i’m gonna keep dancing! 

anyone want to come dance with me?